May 23, 2011

out with the old?

everyone's heard that stupid saying; old with the old, in with the new. some people live by this, but what happens when you don't know if you can let the old go?

old clothes, old memories, old friends. how do you know when to let these go? when you forget about them? when something bigger and better comes into your life? but what if you can't? what if those clothes, memories, friends are too close to your heart and would be too hard to let go?

bad things happen. you outgrow your clothes, forget memories, and grow apart from friends. but if they really mean something to you, you wouldn't let any of those things go. that's my problem. i'm in a rut. old friends from your past that you've tried to forget about try coming back in your life and act like the fall out never happened. how do you move on from the drama of a friendship ending? try to forget about it and move on and try and be friends again? i wish it was that easy. and i really, really wish people wouldn't change their minds every two seconds about wanting to be friends or not. either be friends or not. do me a favor, make up your mind and stop confusing a girl.

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